What is the best way to store brushes?

by Teresa
(Fair Lawn, NJ USA)

I'm not sure if leaving them out, standing up in small canisters is best. I read somewhere that they should be stored in an airtight container yet I don't see anyone selling them.
What is you opinion?
Thanks so much,

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Oct 21, 2014
How to Store Paint Brushes
by: Cheryl

Hi Teresa,
Cheryl here from Your Decorative Painting Resource...

Allow your brushes to dry horizontally on clean paper towel. This will prevent water from dripping back into the ferrule.

Once dry it's OK to store them upright in containers as long as the hairs are not leaning against anything that could distort their shape.

There are some wonderful fabric brush cases that keep your brushes neat and safe. Look for them in art supply stores or online.

I wouldn't store brushes in a sealed plastic container as it could encourage the growth of mold.

I hope this helps! Happy painting.

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