I love a great doodle.  Not only do I love doing them, I’m fascinated by other people’s too.

Do you find yourself on the phone, pen in hand making random shapes and images on scraps of paper?

Do you find yourself making the same marks or symbols?

Well, that’s doodling and that makes you a doodler!

To me this is proof that there’s an artist inside all of us.


Making doodle drawings on purpose is also fun.

Let’s say you’re blocked creatively speaking.

Whether you’re a writer, artist, musician or photographer, making doodles can be a great way to get those creative juices flowing again.

The simple act of putting pen to paper making random marks while you drift around in your head space can become a great source of inspiration.

It’s also a great way to relax. You’re not trying to make a pretty picture; you’re just taking a rest from thinking too much.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds therapeutic to me!


Ah yes, what is art after all?

Some doodles turn out quite beautifully. A great doodle is pleasing to the eye.

These random symbols and marks can evolve into intricate patterns and designs. If the doodle appeals to you, in my opinion, it is art.

But then again, who cares?

Doodling feels good while you’re doing it and that’s more important.

Fundraiser and Great Doodle Art Collide!

Coming September 27, 2024

There is an actual National Doodle Day, and what a great day it is.  EPILEPSY ACTION owns National Doodle Day. This registered charity is based out of England. They raise funds to help people living with epilepsy and neurofibromatosis.

They’ve been doing this since 2004 and have raised well over £500,000 (British Pounds) and that money supports Epilepsy Action as well as the Neurofibromatosis Association.

Angela Lyne Poulin - RIP sweetheart.

My own beautiful, young niece's life was cut short by epilepsy.

As an artist, I think the way in which Epilepsy Action is doing their fund raising activity is nothing short of brilliant! What a fun and clever way of bringing awareness to this awful disease.

They simply invite individuals, schools, and companies to create doodles and then submit them to Epilepsy Action with a suggested donation of £5 for each doodle. You can mail them in or send them by e-mail.

Rather than me go on and on why not see for yourself what a great doodle and a great cause can do for you and for someone else!

Check Out the Gallery of Submissions
Here Too!


by Arthur (Stroudsburg, PA)


I was interested in labyrinths, mandalas, and mazes and was thinking how they are similar, different, what makes them special and so forth.

To be honest with you, I thought a labyrinth is a lot like the path one takes in life. It has a definite beginning point. Simple. The path is for you and you alone walk through it.

Along the way there are many twists and turns, but it's still just your path. When you reach the center you turn around and begin the return along the same path, but a different direction--hopefully after your life is half over you can look back at it with new vision.

And finally you get to the end, which is where you began, and exit. Thanks.

Dr. Doodlelittle

by Patty curtis (Morgan Hill, CA)

Nothing to say, I can't stop Doodling!!

Debbie's Doodles

by Deborah Lalonde (Carp, Ontario, Canada)

Lady Bird

by Deborah Lalonde (Carp, Ontario, Canada)

Tiffany Lamp

I started doing this art form in Jan 2011, absolutely addicted. I make cards, pictures from 4 x 6 to 8.5 x 11, even done some ATC. Was wondering if there is an ATC trading meet in Ottawa?

Black and White Vortex Contrast Doodle

by Laura Thykeson (Granbury, Texas)

Black and White Vortex Contrast Doodle

This is a doodle that I did one night not long after I discovered "zendoodles" which are a form of the really popular Zentangles.  

I prefer the zendoodles because they allow for you to be totally unique and not follow any type of pattern but your own.  This one ended up with an almost 3D effect to it, resembling a vortex type design.

Doodle for Relaxation

by Cheryl Poulin (Ottawa)


I created this doodle as an exercise for relaxation. I enjoyed the process. And I did end up drifting off.

I was too lazy to get my colored pencils so I used my blue and red ball point pens and a yellow and a green highlighter that were on my work desk. (Coffee break.)

Kid doodles!

My youngest son is a class! He would never sit down to just draw, but put him in class, and he will come up with the most gorgeous art work on his classwork!

In elementary school, this distressed many a teacher, and bewildered them as well, because whenever they would call on him, he was always on task! They could not understand how he seemed to be zoning out, but was always on top of what was going on in class. He always got excellent grades, also.

One year, he had a teacher that told me that she had done some research just that summer on doodlers. It turns out that when some children doodle, it allows them to concentrate better and focus on what is going on in the classroom. That was definitely the case with Tony.

Moral to this story, if you have a child that doodles in class, tell the teachers that it helps them to focus better, and don't forget to frame some of that beautiful 'class work'!

-by Tina Antonelli, (Danielsville, PA, USA)

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