Vase too tall for oven

by Wanda

I have a large vase that I painted and need to cure (have no pic). I realized that the vase is too tall for the oven. Can I lay it down? will the paint be ruined if I lay it down? (Note: I painted the vase almost 30 days ago). I've read that if left to air dry for 21 days it is cured and no need to cure in the oven. I would like to cure in the oven to be certain since it will be a gift to someone special and I don't want her to wash the vase and the paint to wash off.

Vase paint detail: I stenciled a leaf design along the top edge of the vase in a dark red with gold specks. and painted 4 1/2 inches from the bottom in a solid red.

Thank you,

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Jan 23, 2018
Object too large to heat set in oven.
by: Cheryl

Hi Wanda,

If the manufacturer says it's air cured after 21 days then it is cured.

Laying the piece down on a painted side will ruin the work where the paint makes contact with the oven rack.

Leave instructions in the vase to gently wipe down the vase for cleaning and to not submerge in water.

You didn't mention the manufacturer so it's difficult to go any further than this.

I hope this helps,


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