powder tins

by Martha

I have 2 old Avon powder puff tins. The colors are faded but the design is still present on one but the other is very faded and essentially not there. I would like to paint over the remaining paint on the one tin so that I can just renew the design. I have everything cleaned but cannot figure out what paint to use. Basically, I would be coloring in the design that is still there, in colors as close as I can get to one ones present. Do you have any suggestions? I know I would need a sealer also but really can not do justice to the design if I have to do a new one. I can color in the lines though. I would greatly appreciate any advice.
Thank you.

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Feb 05, 2021
Avon Powder Puff Tins
by: Cheryl

Wipe the tin surfaces down with vinegar. Dry completely.

Use a spray-on acrylic matte sealer to prepare the surface for painting. This will provide "tooth" for the paint to grab on to.

Then simply paint the design using acrylic paints. You may need to mix the colors to get the right hue but that should be part of the fun.

When you're finished, apply a gloss varnish (spray-on).

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