Painting on glass blocks

by Kathy
(pavilion ny)

I painted a design by Renee Mullins on an 8 in glass block. It looked great til I put the lights in and turned them on. The painting shows the unevenness of the paint because it is not ompletely opaque. Streaking and darker spots where shading was done. What am I doing wrong? I used Americana paints. Is there something I can add to the paint. I did etch the glass first. Appreciate any help you or anyone can provide.

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Mar 14, 2015
Painted Glass Block
by: Cheryl

Hi Kathy, I decided to ask Renee Mullins herself. She graciously responded with the following.

"Hi Cheryl.... After you frost or etch the glass, transfer the outline of the design you will be painting. You will need to undercoat the entire area with black gesso or I couldn't find black gesso so I used white and added black to make a dark grey. Block this area in ( undercoat) until opaque. You do not want to see any light come through the area you are going to be painting.

A good way to check is to put the lights in the block and turn them on. If you can see brushstrokes in the undercoat you will need another coat. What this does is block out any light in the area you will be painting, therefore you will not see any brush strokes from your painting.

I have the instructions for undercoating in my pattern packet...."

So Kathy, perhaps you didn't read all the way through her detailed instructions. Anyway, I do hope this has been helpful.

Mar 14, 2015
Painting on glass blocks
by: Kathy

Thanks for the information about using gesso before painting on the glass. The pattern (Renee Mullins) that I used was not on glass and I didn't know until now that she had a pattern packet for the glass blocks, so I had no way of knowing.

Thanks again for your quick reply.

Nov 30, 2016
Live and learn
by: Wendy B

I also suffered through what Kathy did because I didn't read this page beforehand. After washing off my first attempt I did as you instructed with awesome results.
Thank you so much for your help!
Question....did you spray seal the block after painting it?

Dec 11, 2016
Spray seal the block after painting it?
by: Cheryl

It's always a good idea to varnish your finished piece. Adds protection and intensifies the colors better!

Jan 03, 2017
Glass block painting
by: Mary Kulp

I just started painting on glass block. It looks great until you turn on the lights. What I can not find an answer to, is there something you have to do to the glass so it doesn't shoe streaks. I have seen blocks that look clear with paintings, some do not. How are all these artist painting the glass blocks

Jan 04, 2017
Problem solved
by: Anonymous

If you go back and read Rene Mullins post, she explains how to fix that very problem. Spray the block with frosted spray first then use gesso to block in what you don't want the light to shine through. Works great!

Jan 04, 2017
by: Patricia

Where do I find Renee Mullins patterns for Glass Blocks?

Hi Patricia, a search on the internet using her name will get you to her site.
Cheryl for Your Decorative Painting Resource.

May 23, 2018
use multisurface bakable paint
by: Anonymous

use multi surface bakable paint

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