Painted Wine Bottle with Mini Lights

by Carol Schaffer

Festive Holidays Wine Bottle

Festive Holidays Wine Bottle

Well, it’s all hand painted, I got the deer idea from the window decoration and it inspired me to draw one on the bottle.

I find bottles at recycle centers and from Friends.

I clean them up, removing the labels. Then drill in the back at the bottom with a 5/8 inch diamond circle bit.

Clean the bottle with Alcohol before painting.

I lay out what I want to put on my bottle and start drawing, I even trace some things onto the bottle using tracing paper

Once the design is on the bottle, I start painting, I use acrylic and enamel paints.

When finished, I take a toothbrush dip the bristles in water, then white paint and flick on the snow by running my finger nail through the bristles of the toothbrush.

I bake it in a 350 degree over for 15 minutes and turn the oven off to let it cool completely.

Once cooled, I run the mini lights through the back of the bottle and pull out the top and wire the lights up to the topper.

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Mar 03, 2015
painting wine bottles
by: June

I love the painted wine bottle. I've been dabbling in painting them lately. I bought a bottle cutter and made a few candle holders. I'll send in some pictures of them. Thanks for sharing.

Mar 02, 2015
Love this! So festive.
by: Cheryl

Such a lovely project!!! I'll bet everyone is going to want to make something like this.

What a great way to re-purpose empty wine bottles.

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