Newby glass painter

by Mythic

I've got into glass painting pretty recently, and am still improving glass by glass!

I use Marabu glasArt paints, they have both solid and translucent colours. I also use Marabu relief paste for the lines.

What I have been doing is finding a picture I like then drawing it to the appropriate size to the glass I have then I stick it to the inside of the glass so I can go over it.

These are some that I have done:
(on the wine glass the cats are on the other side, hard to get a good photo with pictures on both sides!

Well done Mythic! Just a quick question...are the drawings something you've adapted from another drawing or is it a copy of someone else's work? If you are copying you will be in copyright violation and I will need to take the pictures down. Please let me know as soon as possible. Otherwise, nice work!

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Mar 08, 2014
by: Mythic

I've edited them to get what I wanted, I guess the minions are drawn from the film though. So does that one need to come down?

Hi Mythic, yes...I'll take it down. And thank you for your honesty! That tells me a lot about you and your set of values. xo

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