How would I go about painting this?

by Courtney

Hi there! I'm really hoping you could help me out in any way possible. I'd love to recreate these glasses for a project for a friend, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Is there any tips you could provide for me?
Here are some general questions I have about this!

1. What type of paint do you recommend?
2. If I have to layer the paint, how long should I wait between layers?
3. I have no idea what brushes to use! If you have any suggestions for the different parts of the painting, that'd be awesome!
4. Will I have to bake these?

(If you have any other small tips/suggestions as well!)

Sorry for such a load of questions, I'm just very new to this, and I'd love to try it out!
Thanks so much for reading,

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Mar 13, 2015
My apologies
by: Cheryl

Hi Courtney, my apologies for deleting the images. The Batman and Superman logos are copyright protected and therefore I can't post them on my website.

Here is a link for the proper way to paint on glass which I hope you will find helpful.
Just follow all of the links and you'll learn everything you need to know about painting on glass.

Cheers! :o)

Mar 14, 2015
How would I go about painting this
by: Jeanette

Good afternoon Courtney, I´ve been doing glass painting from about 1998. I learn new things all the time, either by mistake or from other people.

I see Cheryl has given you a link to look at but if I can be of any help please feel free to contact me.

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