How do I get rid of paint strokes using Pebeo Vitrea 160 paints?

by Debbie
(Charleston, WV US)

Everyone loves these paints, but me! Brush strokes show, it streaks, can't get even an coat with any of the paints. I have the brushes, etc. What am I doing wrong? And bubbles pop up after I put the paint on. Any help would be appreciated.

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Jun 04, 2013
Pebeo Vitrea 160 Paints
by: Cheryl

Hi Debbie,
The transparent nature of these paints does produce streaks especially if you're painting a large design.

To minimize this, use a brush that is large enough to allow you to paint with a minimal number of strokes.

As for bubbles, gently stir the paints and let them settle for a few minutes before using them. It's also possible that while you're trying to "fix" the streaks you may be overworking the paint thus creating air pockets.

I hope this helps.

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