Wow Angela. Is this done as a reverse glass painting...painted on the back of the glass?
Your work is beautiful. Which paints do you prefer to use?
Sep 11, 2010 Rating
Nice Glass Painting by: Anonymous
Hi Angel,
it is nice to see your paintings.
Sep 12, 2010 Rating
Glass Painting - Great talent, want to see more. by: Rebecca
Your work is wonderful. You are very talented. I would like to see your prices & talent.
Dec 05, 2011 Rating
Your stuff is great can you help me by: Anonymous
Hi Angela ,I lived in Suffolk for many years,now in NE Essex. Having seen your work, I hope you wouldn't mind me asking what type of paints you use, and give me a few tips on how to begin. I have been a china Painter for many years and hope me to change hobbies. I look forward to hearing from you. June
Can you tell me what a pudmuckle is? I thought the term described a tole painting stroke, but I cannot find it listed or illustrated anywhere. My email
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