Glass Paint Temperature Considerations?

by CAK
(Boston, MA, USA)

I’m wondering how durable glass paint/faux leading is giving shifting temperatures? Or, if some glass paint brands are better for this than others?

For example, I want to paint/lead on the inside of a window that doesn’t get direct sunlight- but I’m in the NE and it can get quite cold (usually around 30*, but it was 10* this week). In the summer, we don’t usually sizzle (usually 80* ish, but we have higher 90* higher heat waves once or twice a summer.)

I don’t want to make something beautiful for it to peel away in a month or 2! Thanks!

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May 15, 2022

by: Cheryl

Pebeo Vitrail paints can be used for a stained glass effect. It can only be cleaned with glass cleaner, NOT soap and water. Suncatchers have been made, attached to windows with suction cups and seem to be resistant to heat and cold. This paint does not require heat setting. Any way to do a test area? (You can wash it off with soap and water.)

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