finished wood

by Kate Stello
(North Carolina)

I have never painted on wood, and I have been asked to paint on finished horse brushes,. They are probably varnished, so wouldn't it be easier to get unfinished ones? Also, what kind of paint should I use? I thought craft paint, with a varnish over top. Please offer any suggestions, and thanks for this site...Kate Stello

Hi Kate, thanks so much for your inquiry and for the compliment! If there's varnish on the wood you can sand it to give it "tooth" so that your paint application will adhere. Craft quality paints will fade over time. Select a name brand like DecoArt Americana, Plaid FolkArt or Delta to ensure your work lives on. And yes, a couple coats of varnish to protect your work. If the brushes will be used and handled a lot, do up to 4 layers of varnish following manufacturer's instructions.

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