FAQ Regarding Varnish in the news letter of August 13

Hi Cheryl
In your news letter regarding varnish you write you sand after the first layer of varnish. Why that?
Isn't the varnish layer not so thick, so you could very easily ruin what's underneath?

Comments for FAQ Regarding Varnish in the news letter of August 13

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Aug 14, 2015
Sanding first varnish layer
by: Cheryl

Great question. Very lightly sand the varnish layers. Hardly any pressure.

As I mentioned, apply a generous even coat of varnish. If you just feather it on, you won't get good results. And yes, you could scratch the paint layer below. But no risk of that if you apply it the way I describe.

Practice on some scrap wood to get the feel for it.

And thanks for asking that clarifying question. I will mention it in the next newsletter. :o)

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