Hey! I'm so happy you're signing up for the June 2021 Art Journal Challenge.
All I need to get you registered is your email address so I can stay in touch with you for the duration of the challenge.
Every day for the month of June, you will get a short email from me. The message will provide you with an idea or a prompt to get your imagination going and to get you excited for making art in your journal.
All you will need to participate in the challenge is a sketchbook, some paints, pens, markers, pencils, glue stick and whatever you have on hand that could be used for making art. Got rubberstamps? Stencils? Crayons? Great!! Anything goes!
Once you get your e-mail, I will take you to a page on the website where you can see what I did with that day's prompt. Yes, you will see how I did my personal journal page and I'll share details on how I put it all together. Sometimes there will be a video so you can really get to see everything up close!
You can follow right along with me or just be inspired by what you see. I'll be your daily "art buddy"! And won't that be fun!
Here's where you can sign up to participate in the Art Journal Challenge for the month of June. Just type in your email address below!
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