Acrylic Painting Workshops
In The Studio

I'm delighted to provide you information about the acrylic painting workshops I teach and facilitate here in the studio.

First, let me welcome you to Earmark Decorative Painting Studio.

My studio is in the lower level of my home which is located in rural west Ottawa. There’s great lighting, large tables and comfortable chairs to make your painting day enjoyable.

I provide a warm, inviting environment where learning is lively and entertaining.  I love to hear the laughter and see the smiles on my students’ faces.  I truly believe that learning should be a fun, enjoyable and lighthearted experience.  If it’s not fun, why do it?

To get here you’ll drive a lovely scenic route, that’s only about 40 minutes from downtown Ottawa.

It's a whole different world out here.  We’re surrounded by nature in a peaceful, tranquil setting.  It’s very relaxing and definitely perfect for boosting your artistic creativity. 

Enjoy Acrylic Painting Workshops
In A Tranquil Country Setting

There’s plenty of free parking and the driveway is circular to make getting in and out easy.

The studio is large, very well lit and comfortable.  I limit the workshops to 4-8 participants to ensure an intimate, creative environment. I want to make certain everyone has plenty of space.

I love to feed my students, so there are always free healthy snacks, coffee and tea on hand.

For daylong sessions or sessions that span a weekend, I will usually provide a lunch.  During the beautiful summer days, we eat on the deck surrounded by a woodlot and the sounds of songbirds.  You may even get a visit from tame chipmunks!

I like to think of the studio as a wonderful artsy sanctuary.  Just a short drive provides you with a change of pace and a wonderful departure from the noise of the city.

All skill levels are welcome...from the "I can't draw a straight line" newbie to the more advanced.

I offer acrylic painting workshops in mixed media, decorative painting or tole painting, collage, altered art, vision boards and much more to help you nurture your creative spirit.

There's a 2-day, all inclusive Art Retreat that's a great way to explore and just play.

I’m always developing programs and creating more workshops and as this information becomes available, I just keep adding it here. So do come back and visit often.

Another great way to stay in touch is to subscribe to The Creative Chronicles!  It's free and it comes out bi-weekly.

Earmark Decorative Painting Studio is open by appointment only and is located at 3152 Stonecrest Road in Dunrobin, Ontario, Canada.

If you have any questions, contact me here.

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