Need Extra Fine tip for painting with Pebeo 160

by Robin


I have been painting glass objects with Pebeo Vitrea 160 paints, curing them in the oven. Even though I have purchased several 0.5mm tips and bottles to try to get very fine detailed lines, they are always too thick.

Is there any way I could possibly locate an extra fine paint pen for this? What about using a Sharpie pen and the coating it with Pebeo before curing to preserve it?

Thank you!

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Jan 22, 2015
Glass Paint Pens
by: Cheryl

Hi Robin,
Sharpie makes an oil-based glass paint pen that comes in Extra Fine Point.

You could test the compatibility with The Pebeo Vitrea 160.

I have personally not yet tried the oil-based Sharpie and I usually don't mix brands, so I can't really say. My suggestion would be to do a test piece.

Feb 19, 2015
final coat?
by: Anonymous

hi what do you coat the globe with after you paint the glass? what do you recommend as a sealer that won't 'drip' the paint?

Feb 19, 2015
final coat on glass over paint with heat
by: Anonymous

I just asked what you use for final coat to seal paints on lamp shade/fixture but also what sealant is heat resistant if lightbulbs heat up or say for a glass candle holder? thanks

Feb 25, 2015
Glass paint on lightbulbs
by: Cheryl

The paints you should use for painting on glass shades and fixtures need to be the kind that are heat set in your oven.

These paints don't require a top sealer. They bond to the glass. Copy and paste this link into your browser for detailed information on various glass paints.

It's not recommended that you paint on light bulbs that produce heat. The paint will burn / melt and give off fumes.

I hope this helps.

Apr 25, 2015
Pebeo Vitrea 160 paints
by: Bernadette McIntyre

Hi I have used Pebeo 150 porcelaine paints, but want to try the 160 can anyone tell me more about the 160 other than I have read they are runnny but the colors are beautiful?

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