Wine Glass Painting

by Linda
(Charlotte, NC.)

I painted my wine glasses with Folk Art paint and let it dry for one month. I went to wash it to see how it would handle being washed by hand and the paint started coming off in my hands. What did I do wrong?

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Sep 17, 2012
Wine Glass Painting
by: Cheryl

Hi Linda,

Cheryl here from Your Decorative Painting Resource...

If you used regular Folk Art acrylics (or any other brand) there is no amount of drying time that will keep the paint on the glass.

You either have to add a glass painting medium to the paints or you have to purchase paints meant for slick surfaces.

Here is a link for more information.

Feb 28, 2015
Folk Art Paint for glass
by: John Kent

Hello All,

If you want to paint glass items that are usable, and hand washable, use Folk Art all surface paints or their enamels, let dry over night, place your items in the oven, set your oven to 350 degrees, when it reaches that 350 degrees, set your timer for 30 minutes. When the timer goes off, turn your oven off. Do Not open the oven, until its, totally cooled!!! Your items are now durable for use and hand washing.

My wife and I are certified instructors for the One Stroke painting technique for the past 12 years. We have taught classes, and sold hundreds of glass items following the above technique.
Hope this answers your question!

John Kent & Anita Schneider
From Wisconsin

Feb 28, 2015
FolkArt Paint for Glass
by: Cheryl

Thanks for your preferred brand recommendation John!

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