Comments for Rose on glass candle holders

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Jun 29, 2010
Roses on Glass Candle Holders - Beautiful
by: Becky

These are simple yet so beautiful.

Yes, Becky I agree with you! Cheryl here from Your Decorative Painting Resource. Many people have asked what kind of paint was used on these candle holders. On this site you can find all sorts of paints that can be used for painting on glass. Here's a convenient link: I hope everyone finds it helpful!

My personal recommendation would be to use a heat-set paint like Pebeo Vitrea 160. The heat from the candle inside the glass containers would not affect the painted design. And because they're heat set, you can wash them and re-use them over and over again...that's very much in the spirit of recycling, I say!

As with all glass painting, the important thing is to make sure you wash the glass in soapy water, rinse very well and wipe the surface down with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.

Then follow the manufacturer's specific instructions. Don't mix brands as you may not get the results you want.

With practice you can create lovely pieces similar to the one featured here.

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