Glass door

by Felicity
(Glasgow Scotland)

Hi there,

I have a glass door in my house that I am planning on staining. I was wondering if you had any advice about which type of paint I should use. The door has a rectangular pattern on it and I was going to do a mixture of colours, one per block in transparent paint so that the light still shines through. I initially planned on using Vitrail but when I read up and realised you had to bake it I realised I was onto plums.

I would greatly appreciative any advice you may have for me.
Many Thanks,


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Sep 22, 2016
Transparent glass blocks
by: Cheryl

You need a paint that will air-cure.

All of the transparent glass paints I've used require heat curing.

However, you could experiment with Golden Transparent Fluid acrylics mixed with GAC 200.

This GAC 200 medium, as it says on the Golden website "Promotes Adhesion / Film Hardness and is the hardest and least flexible polymer offered. It is ideal for mixing with acrylic colors to increase film hardness, reduce dry film tack and to increase adhesion to many non-porous surfaces. Dries to a clear, high gloss, finish. GAC 200 is not recommended for flexible supports."

Give it a try. Let me know how it goes.

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