Glass Painting and Brush Streaks

by Julie

I am new to glass painting and have started with Pebeo vitrea 160 transparent. How thick do I apply the paint and how do I avoid brush streaks?

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Dec 04, 2013
Glass Painting Streaks
by: Cheryl

Hi Julie,
Transparent glass paints will show brush marks but that is not a bad thing. The idea is to use a brush size that minimizes the number of strokes required to fill the area. Use a soft synthetic brush. Pebeo recommends using their Pébéo Cobra deco or Iris brushes.

Work the paint well into the bristles before applying. Use a brush shape that will suit the shape of the design. For petals, use a Round, for square shapes use Flats.

One thing I always suggest is to practice, practice, practice before committing to serious project.

I hope this helps.

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