How to paint multiple layers on a wine glass?

by Cyndi

brush strokes

brush strokes

H there, I love your site, I have already learned so much, and can't wait to play with the Permenamel line- I am trying to learn how to paint on wineglasses. However, I am trying to make CHristmas presents so I don't have 10 days to cure them, so I have to use what I have been using, which is acrylic paints.
I am trying to paint the glass one solid color, and then monogram letters on it. I am having a heck of a time getting the solid paint one consistent color, without variations of color, and brush strokes that you can see when you lift the glass up to the light. I've tried to paint a second coat about a 1/2 hour to an hour after the first coat, but the second coat actually pulls the color up off the glass. If I wait until the glass is completely dry, then I get lines (almost like cracks) when I apply the second coat. Can you help??

Hi Cyndi, Cheryl here from YDPR...thanks so much for your inquiry. Are you using GLASS PAINTING MEDIUM mixed in with your acrylic paints? If not, then you will continue to experience these issues.

Having said that, brush marks are nearly impossible to avoid when it comes to painting on slick surfaces. In my design packet for painting martini glasses I use a latex makeup wedge to sponge the paint on. This leaves a soft nubby texture. 2 coats and it's solid coverage. I use Americana Gloss Enamels which I can bake after 48 hours for a dishwasher safe, durable finish.

Comments for How to paint multiple layers on a wine glass?

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Mar 13, 2016
Is there any fix for this problem?
by: Dianne

I am making candle holders for a St Judes fundraiser this coming weekend. I have painted pint glass jars with "Frost It", and since they have dried, they are covered with horrible brush strokes. Can this be repaired? I need the shadows from the inside to show through, so I can't use too many coats. Please help.

Mar 31, 2016
"Frost It"
by: Cheryl

Hi Dianne,
I'm not familiar with "Frost It" but when I've used other glass paints to frost glass, I usually apply it with a cosmetic sponge.
You could apply a second coat with a sponge. Frosting is not opaque so you should be able to see a glow from inside. But like I said, I've never used "Frost It".

Best of luck!


Dec 07, 2020
by: Anonymous

I’m trying to paint a window but when I add the second coat on the glass the first layer starts to pull up! I saw you mentioned adding a glass medium in another comment but I don’t know what that is! Help?

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